Dr. Ralph Lange :::


This page lists my major invited talks, keynotes, and even a podcast. The slides of presentations for conference and workshop papers can be found under publications.

Ralph Lange gives keynote at ACM SIGSOFT Summer School on Software Engineering for Robotics in June 2024 in Brussels Ralph Lange during panel discussion on ROS 2 developer experience at ROSCon 2022 in Kyoto Ralph Lange from Bosch Research talks on micro-ROS at ROS World 2021

Group photo of micro-ROS team including Ralph Lange at European Robotics Forum 2020 in Malaga Interview with Ralph Lange on micro-ROS at IoT Solutions World Congress 2019 in Barcelona Ralph Lange talks on FMI Adapter at ROSCon 2018 in Madrid


The Impact of Open Source Software in Robotics. Rexroth INDUSTRIAL. Ulm, Germany. 11 Sep 2024.
Software Engineering and Verification in Robotics at Bosch (Keynote). ACM SIGSOFT Summer School for Software Engineering in Robotics. Brussels, Belgium. 7 Jun 2024.


Licensing of ROS Packages: Changes to package.xml and new tool support. ROSCon 2023. New Orleans, LA, USA. 19 Oct 2023.
From Dexterous Assembly to AMR Fleet Planning: Robotics Research at Bosch. CS Colloquium at University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA, USA. 10 Oct 2023.
Welcome at Bosch Research. Opening talk at ROS Meetup Stuttgart at the Bosch Research Campus. Renningen, Germany. 26 Jul 2023.
Flexible, dexterous assembly of advanced component parts - challenges and approaches from an industrial perspective. Invited online talk at Workshop 'Robotics and AI: The Future of Industrial Assembly Tasks' at RSS 2023. Daegu, Korea. 10 Jul 2023.


From Early Research to Product Development – The Why and How of ROS at Bosch. ROS-Industrial Conf. 2022. Stuttgart, Germany. 15 Dec 2022.
micro-ROS goes Automotive: supporting AUTOSAR-based microcontrollers. ROSCon 2022. Kyoto, Japan. 21 Oct 2022.
System Modes - model-based run-time state management of large systems. ROSCon 2022. Kyoto, Japan. 21 Oct 2022.
The ROS 2 Developer Experience. Panel discussion at ROSCon 2022. Kyoto, Japan. 20 Oct 2022.
micro-ROS – putting the open-source Robot Operating System onto microcontrollers. Summer School OPEN SCIENCE at EPFL. Lausanne, Switzerland. 1 Jul 2022.


micro-ROS – New client library and middleware features. ROS World 2021. Virtual event. 20 Oct 2021.
Callback-group-level Executor. Workshop 'ROS 2 Executor: How to make it efficient, real-time and deterministic?' at ROS World 2021. Virtual event. 19 Oct 2021.
ROS in Robotics at Bosch. ROS in der vernetzten Produktion (Allianz Industrie 4.0 Baden-Württemberg). Virtual event. 15 Jun 2021.


Advanced Execution Management with ROS 2. ROS Industrial Conference. Virtual event. 16 Dec 2020.
OFERA (micro-ROS). European Robotics Forum (ERF) - Workshop on Overcoming the boundaries of today's Robotics Software Engineering. Malaga, Spain. 4 Mar 2020.


With Micro-ROS Microcontrollers can be Integrated Seamlessly into ROS 2-based Systems. Video interview at IOT Solutions World Congress 2019. Barcelona, Spain. 30 Oct 2019.
Practical and Easy-to-Use Real-Time Execution Mechanisms for ROS. Industrial pitch and poster at 31st Euromicro Conf. on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS). Stuttgart, Germany. 10 Jul 2019.
Current Status of ROS 2 – Hands-on Feature Overview. ROS Industrial Consortium Europe (RIC-EU) Spring Workshop. Stuttgart, Germany. 7 May 2019.
Bringing the Next Generation Robot Operating System on Deeply Embedded Autonomous Platforms. Invited talk at Autonomous Systems Design (ASD) Workshop at DATE Conference. Florence, Italy. 29 Mar 2019.


Bosch ROS Projects With Ralph Lange. ROS Developers Podcast by Ricardo Téllez – Episode 29. Podcast. 13 Nov 2018.
FMI_Adapter – using Functional Mock-Up Units with ROS. Lightning talk at ROSCon 2018. Madrid, Spain. 30 Sep 2018.
Callback-group-level Executor for ROS 2. Lightning talk at ROSCon 2018. Madrid, Spain. 29 Sep 2018.
Fundamentals of the Robot Operating System (ROS). Full-day tutorial at CPS Week 2018. Porto, Portugal. 10 Apr 2018.


Scalable Management of Trajectories and Context Model Descriptions. Technical talk on receiving the award "Best Doctoral Dissertation" of the special interest group for Communication and Distributed Systems (KuVS) of the German Society for Computer Science (GI). Darmstadt, Germany. 16 Mar 2012.
Quality-aware Real-Time Tracking of Moving Objects' Trajectories. Invited talk at DEEDS Group at the University of Darmstadt. Darmstadt, Germany. 16 Mar 2012.


Scalable Management of Trajectories and Context Model Descriptions. PhD thesis defense. Stuttgart, Germany. 29 Nov 2010.
Efficient Real-Time Tracking of Moving Objects' Trajectories. Technical talk at SAP Research. Dresden, Germany. 13 Aug 2010.